ASCE Region 9 invites nominations for one Region 9 Governor At-Large position for a three-year term beginning October 1, 2023. To be considered for this position, you must be a Society member in good standing and have an Address of Record within the Region being represented. It is encouraged that nominees also have prior service as a Branch, Section or Technical Group officer, member of a Section or Branch committee, or a member of a Society-level Committee with demonstrated leadership skills. This is an appointed position.
A Letter of Intent and other documents to apply for this elected office must be submitted not later than June 1, 2023, to the Region 9 Nominating Committee Chair: Yazdan Emrani, at; (949) 285-8483. The below documents are also required. Please contact Yazdan Emrani for format or other questions.
• Signed Governor Commitment document • Biographical Statement, not to exceed 200 words • Vision Statement, not to exceed 200 words • Any endorsements • Head shot photograph, color
Nominees will be requested to attend an interview before the Region 9 Board of Governors on June 23, 2023, in San Francisco, CA, or via a virtual link. Time and specific location to be confirmed.