Government Relations Committee


To provide ASCE Region 9 members, a central location to review, discuss and establish positions with their peers on issues affecting civil engineering.

The Government Relations Committee (GRC) monitors and recommends positions on statewide legislative and regulatory proposals that affect civil engineers but do not fall within the purview of other standing Region 9 committees, consistent with ASCE policies. The committee is also responsible for the Region 9 annual State Capitol fly-in and the follow up local drive-in visits with legislators. In addition, GRC recommends candidates for gubernatorial appointment to the Region 9 Board of Governors (BOG).


• Communicate the GRC positions, as approved by the BOG, to all Sections. (Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 1.1)

• Remain current on legislative and regulatory proposals by utilizing the Region 9 Lobbyist and Bill Search reports. Recommend positions to be taken on legislation by the Region 9 BOG. (Strategic Plan Goal 2, Objective 2.1)

• Plan the annual State Capitol fly-in and the follow up drive-in visits to legislators to advocate ASCE’s views. (Strategic Plan Goal 2, Objective 2.1)

• Use partnerships and coalition building opportunities to enhance infrastructure advocacy and other policy initiatives approved by the Region 9 BOG.

• Support the annual Infrastructure Symposium.


1. Committee Makeup
The Committee shall consist of a chairman (appointed by the BOG) and at least one ASCE member volunteer from within each Region 9 Section. The Committee membership is open to all interested members.

2. Leadership and Organization
The Committee leadership consists of a chairman and committee officers as needed (selected by the Chair). The chair shall provide a monthly written report of the committee activities prior to each BOG meeting.
3. Committee Appointments
The Committee chair shall be as selected by the BOG and shall serve a term as set at the pleasure of the BOG.


1. The Committee shall function in accordance with the Region 9 Bylaws, and the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order - Newly Revised.
2. The Committee will hold monthly conference calls at a date and time set by the chairman.

Upcoming Events

2025 ASCE / APWA Joint Legislative Day
    June 4, 2025  (8:00 am - 5:00 pm)

Committee Member Links

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