Disaster Preparedness & Response Committee


To insure ASCE Region 9 is ready with a large number of certified SAP Evaluators that will respond to any disaster in California.


a. Ensure the database of ASCE Safety Assessment Program (SAP) Evaluators has up-to-date contact information
b. Increase the number of certified SAP Evaluators from 500 to 5000
c. Conduct an annual exercise to determine the number of Evaluators who would respond to a disaster
d. Promote SAP Evaluator ‘volunteerism’ throughout Region 9 members (to retain volunteers)


1. Committee Makeup
Section Representatives
San Francisco
Los Angeles
San Diego
Cal OES Representative
2. Leadership and Organization
Besides a committee chair, a secretary will be appointed to serve an undefined period. The secretary will take minutes of committee meetings and keep a running log of DP activities and involvement in disasters and exercises. The secretary will not be required to keep the SAP evaluator database current. That will be accomplished by other means.
3. Committee Appointments
Section Representatives are designated by each Section President


1. The Committee shall function in accordance with the Region 9 Bylaws, and the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order - Newly Revised.
2. The current Lead Statewide Safety Assessment Program Coordinator for Cal OES (currently Jim Barnes, P.E.) will be invited to participate in committee meetings and will be copied on minutes of these meetings.
3. Meetings will be held by teleconference set up by the Chair and held monthly initially, then bi-monthly as the need diminishes.
4. Minutes will contain specific Action Items, Person Responsible with Due Dates.
5. Copies of draft and approved minutes will be posted in the Region 9 ‘cloud storage’ under the DP Committee folder.

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